The Ultimate Secret Idea for Your Garden

we craft your garden

If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.
- Jugaad Garden

Explore The nature

My hobby of planting saplings is vary old , but in the corona period this hobby has become my profession. Terrace gardening has become a part of my life. Today, more than 500 plants are adorning my garden, including organic, Ayurvedic and many medicinal plants. It has gone to the head like a passion. My day ends with planning for the next day before going to sleep. The next morning begins with bright sun rays, in the company of colorful tourist butterflies, chirping birds sucking the juice of flowers. Every new morning begins the vibrant life of plants by bathing them with water. Seeing the green and colorful garden on the roof, the body’s blood flow gives new energy to life.

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We have hundreds of plant growing guides, each guide includes tips on soil, fertilizer, temperature, water and optimal light requirements.

The Ultimate Secret Idea for Your Garden

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